About Our Maternity Packages
1) 10k or $5.00 cash ( to Paypal or cashapp ) = 3 apt, birth, recovery,(in clinic) 1 ultrasound
2) 15k or $7.50 cash ( to Paypal or cashapp ) = 6 apts, birth, recovery,(in clinic)3 ultrasounds, prenatal vitamins
3) 20k or $10.00 (to Paypal or cashapp ) = 9 apts, birth, recovery,(in clinic), home visits (upon request), ultrasound each appointment after 8 weeks along. (1 pic),birth certificate, prenatal vitamins
4) 30k or $15.00 (to Paypal or cashapp ) = includes all of 20k items , unlimited appointments, bump box for each trimester (includes everything mommy needs for each trimester) 2 ultrasound pics one to hang up & one for avi showing gender or genders , birth and recovery in a private room (home like setting with mod), 1st pediatric visit and first set of shots.
5) 40k or $20.00 ( to Paypal or cashapp ) = includes all of the 30k package items, gown, Unlimited pediatrics and all shots until child is in Kindergarten , 24/7 gym access for you with mod in room.
6) 50k or $25.00 ( to Paypal or cashapp ) = includes all of 40k package items , gym bag , walk in without appointment (great for emergencies if im in clinic if im not message and ill try to come in) , Post pregnancy bump box ( includes everything needed to recover and relax after birth ) , baby shower (with games and mod)
7) 60k or $30.00 ( to Paypal or cashapp ) = includes all of 50k package items, a maternity photo shoot with complimentary edited photo (not framed) , baby inside belly (single , twin , triplet or quad)
8) 70k or $35.00 ( to paypal or cashapp ) = includes all of 60k, a pregnancy fit off your wish list for shoot (up to 900 credits), framed edited photo (gifted to you), Lamaze class.
9) 130k or $65.00 ( to Paypal or cashapp) = includes all of 70k, custom nursery or baby shower of any theme or color and at least 6 pieces of furniture and rug (gifted to you)
**Custom baby shower room or nursery (without package) : 70k or $35.00 ( to Paypal or cashapp ) includes Dr.DarkHorse gifting room and furniture to you. **
custom delivery experience (without package) : 40k or $20.00 ( to paypal or cashapp ) includes Dr's and nurses checking on you and baby or babies every 2-3 hours like in real life. RP bringing you and your guest food from cafeteria or other places, birth certificate, social security card , hospital bands for both parents , pictures of your birth put in an album for you to pull and do what you wish with , birth and recovery room.
custom delivery experience (with any package) : 15k or $7.50 ( to paypal or cashapp ) includes Dr's checking on you and baby or babies every 2-3 hours like in real life. RP bringing you and your guest food from cafeteria or other places, social security card , hospital bands for both parents , pictures of your birth put in an album for you to pull and do what you wish with , 1 framed picture (gifted to you), special gift for you , gift for daddy as well.
**Ask Dr.DarkHorse aka BBGxBlazeDarkHorse about build your own packages based on what you need and don't need for your pregnancy.**
** All packages can be put on payment plans... we require half down and then the rest at next appointment unless other arrangements are discussed and agreed on by BBGxBlazeDarkHorse.**
About Our Pediatric Packages
1) 10k or $5.00 ( to paypal or cashapp ) 3 appointments , lollipop , shots
2) 20k or $10.00 ( to paypal or cashapp ) 6 appointments , physical for school and sports , lollipop , shots , toy to take home , vision and dental care.
3) 30k or $15.00 ( to paypal or cashapp ) unlimited appointments and walk ins 24/7 (great for emergencies) , physical for school and sports , lollipop , shots , toy to take home , vision and dental care , home visits upon request to check on child.
**** if child leaves your family this is not our problem you will not be refunded****
**Ask Dr. Darkhorse about build your own packages based on what you need and don't need for your childs pediatrics.**
** All packages can be put on payment plans... we require half down and then the rest at next appointment unless other arrangements are discussed and agreed on by BBGxBlazeDarkHorse.**